Alser Teknoloji

Cad Design Printing Systems, Fabric Relaxing Fabric Loading Systems, Fabric Stretching Machines, Fabric Stretching Tables, Fabric Cutting Machine Manufacturing and Sales

Nombre de jours d'adhésion: 311 Jour
Nom de l'entreprise: Alser Teknoloji Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti.
Type d'activité : Fabricant - Producteur
Brève Description de l'Entreprise : Cad Design Printing Systems, Fabric Relaxing Fabric Loading Systems, Fabric Stretching Machines, Fabric Stretching Tables, Fabric Cutting Machine Manufacturing and Sales
Nombre d'employés : 11-50 Travailler entre
Type de société : Şahıs Firması
Année de fondation : 2011
Capital : Entre 2500.001-10.000.000 TL
Chiffre d'affaires annuel : Entre 25.000.000 et 99.999.999 TL
A Step Ahead with Alser Technology! A company specialized in textile machinery production. Our company, with its expert staff, produces fully automatic fabric spreading machines, machine tables, cutting tables, storage and shelving systems, special machine production, and automation systems. The company aims to offer the most suitable solutions in the textile sector by developing special machines according to customer demands. With its emphasis on quality and its determination to overcome challenges, it has quickly established itself as a recognized and respected entity in the sector. Among the company's immutable principles are quality, service, on-time delivery, and reasonable prices. We continuously strive to develop innovative and technological solutions to ensure the highest levels of customer satisfaction. The company aims to maintain its leading position in the sector and increase its competitive power with its customer-focused approach. We thank you for your close interest and support, and we will continue to work to provide you with better service.